Beware the Chipmunk  
The Entrance Way   |   You are where?   |   Stage doors   |   Postal doors   |   Tent Flaps   |   Bedroom Door   |   Closet Door   |   Garage Door   |   Weird Door   |   High-tech Door   |   Prestigous Door
Closet Door
Okay kids. These are my past updates...there isnt' much use in them, hence storage in the closet.
Wootwoot, new month! Birthday month too! *joy* New slogan from the guestbook, much thanks sent to Bookworm2000! FINALLY gots the caption contest updated. FINALLY, I know. Also, new link added up for the LotR Humor Zone, a funny little place, indeed. Oy, sorry about not having any new BIG things, it's just a bunch of piddly the new 'sent in' captions. Oo, I lied. There's some new un-quotes and a new OI VAY!!!


Okay, okay, okay. I'm not dead! (Yet.) Thing is, I might, might, MIGHT have figured out a way to update my site from school, therefore revealing more frequent updates. Thus far, nothing has developed for the 'Controversy' section, but I will have a new fanfic up in the 'What happened?' section soon! Whoohoo! New Oi Vay my friends, I couldn't totally leave you hanging, like I have with the captions. Oh, speaking of the captions, I do have a new page of them. They aren't my best, but I try.*sigh* I'm working on it trust me. I'll have my buds at school kick me everyonce in a while (I know one will, as he is rather fond of BTC! *feels loved*)


Helloooooooooooo out there! I'm here for a weekend with stuffs that were sent. Got my first ever 'Did you know?' in the mail from Larien. Thanks dear! Several captions were sent in as well. Woot! Keep it coming folks! I was also sent a quiz or three by the Redpandaprincess... Yay! Oh, and don't forget there's a new box in the garage. That would be a silly thing to do.

People, next update, not for a good good while, and I'm in school, so I'll be relying more on submissions and such. Just so you know. (Translation: SEND ME STUFF.)


Guess what! This is the 25th update of the site. Whee! In celebration, I added a page that explains the vast majority of the site. Not gonna tell you where the link to it is, though. Okay...moving on. Found a clothing trunk in the garage, full of pants! What do I mean? Well, you'll just have to go see! Oh, yeah, there's a book in there too. Whether you noticed it or not, there's a new link on the spiffy side panel of doom! It's called controversy. Click it. It's a teaser. MAHA! Oh, thanks to Danny for sending me some slogans! My first gift from others in that section! New contest as well.


Oh...and this is the last update indefinately. I get a laptop at school, so I'm planning to gather update stuffs, like captions and such, diskette them, and bringing them home to update. Send me stuff to ensure updates! I will check my e-mail regularly.


Well, well, well! Several Caption This! entries have come in, I am pleased to say! Also, from Nevermore, a fellow LotR humor site webmistress has submitted a theory deal thingy. Oo! And a new box or two in the Garage! Whee! Bad scary news, though. I leave the 29th for college, and am currently unaware as to how this whole 'site' thing will be working.


Wahoo! I've been accepted to Houghton College! Sweet! Okay folks, moving on. I completed the TV show. What do I mean? Check out the 'What's Happened' section. No, really! I also added a new Oi Vay just for you all. Feel loved. Feel special. Feel guilty that no one sent anything and that is why this update is a teeny little thing. Also, feel amazed that I managed to scrape up enough captions to add a page, now totalling the MOVIE CAPTIONS ALONE at 250!!! That means...if I count all my captions...I now have a total of...

331!!! odd number, I know, but so? Wha-hey! I also have, finally, a new cast caption page up. (Technically I only more, but I like to do it all at once.) Oh, and for one specific person who should have one specific feeling...HORRAY SUZY! You won the contest! Sooner or later I'll have 'awards' for caption winners with sites. Just so you know. In closing I'll say there might be some new piddly stuff up somewhere, but who knows? It's up to you to find it.


Wheee! New links! Howdy...and if you're wondering why I'm breaking that little yucky promise that I wouldn't be able to do anything, shhhhhhhhh...nobody knows but you...Actually, I was able to steal a couple moments to fix a caption sent in to me (Sorry about that Lenny.) and I decided to add some links sent to me. Plus I saw Pirates of the Caribbean! Wheeee! I imagine that training as an elf for so long was a bit of a help...but, anyway, the movie...ROCKS. Go and see it, even if Legolas wasn't your favorite character. You might see a preview for Viggo's new movie.


Okay, folks, the jury is in. On Wednesday I spend the day out of town with a friend. The rest of the month there will be no updates as it is homeschool crunch time to get ready for college. Pray for me, if you have the time...'cause I am scared out of my wits about school. There are just a couple new things to tell you... My original e-mail has been utterly swamped with crap, and is no longer working properly. I hope to fix this, but it doesn't matter. From now on, please send all site stuff to: In fact, send me lots of stuff that I can post to make the next update wonderful, since I won't have much time at all to work here. Thanks folks. The garage has been partially cleaned up, with new slogans added. A new obsession thing. Plus, all the captions I have recieved for the contest up to date are now in the Caption This! section for you to enjoy.


Update?! UPDATE?! WHY ON MIDDLE EARTH SHOULD I UPDATE?! Why, may I ask you, should I do such a silly thing as that? WHY, then, should I put up a new Oi Vay thingy, or add stuff to the obsessed section? And, why, in the name of Middle Earth, should I give any form of congrats to Bloombabe 113 for winning the caption contest?!?!?! Why?! I'll tell you why! Because I have officially proclaimed my duty to be so! It may not always be like this, but for now, it is. And if certain people *cough*DR*cough* would get their acts together, I wouldn't have to have the third installmant of 'Let's Make a Fellowship!' up like it is. So there. *deep breath* Oh, do you like the new entrance? Oo! Oo! I got an e-mail from someone about the theories! I put up her responses and my retorts to further entertain and confuse you. Psst...there's also two new pages of captions...but you didn't hear it from didn't hear anything about the new link(s) from me either.


Um...updated sections...links...Caption This!, I just took my SATs, so I'm a bit brain fried right about now...I'll work on it. Hmmm...I guess this Faramir pic is a hard one to caption, I've only gotten a few captions sent in. Oh, and here's another observation: NO ONE SENDS ME ANYTHING ANYMORE!!!
*begins whining and throwing a hissy fit*
Oh, before I jet off to the middle of sleep (One can only hope...), I must tell you this: The third half of the 'Let's Make a Fellowship' should be up veryvery soon. I just have to find where I stashed the last question. Doomy.


And in other news:
Woo-hoo! New link! New link! Yeeeeeeeee-hah!!! Oh, and despite the fact that my caption making is slowing down, it has not stopped. There is one, sorry, but only one new page of captions...I'm working on it. New Oi Vay up too. Check out the caption contest and send me something...sorry about the small update...I'm working on it...somewhat...


Hey howdy hey folks, guess what. No? Okay then, the obsessed list has magically grown by about 26 new things to do! All thanks to a wonderful contributor who called herself: Meluivain Gwiwileth. She also passed on a supporting bit for one of my theories. Cool huh? So now that you've had your obsession, wanna try something healthy and fun? Take my test that I made! Please? The link is on the side, you know,
<<<over there<<<.
Anywaaaaaaaaay... Oh, yeah! New caption entries for the contest...I think. I'm pretty sure. But not completely. Remember, this one is almost over! And there is at least one new link. Won't tell you which one, though! You have to figure it out on your own. Oh, I like, er, bashed my head against a thing that sticks out of my cieling, so if things are wrong or a bit off, gimme a break.


Ooo! Ooo! New links! Yaaaaaaaay! We're all so haaaaaaappyyyyyyyyy... Especially since I've been getting a bunch of captions sent in. Okay, lessee what else we have! Ooo! Couple newbies in the What Happened? section! Plus theres a new page of captions. Have fun.


Well, hello! What have we here? Oh, I do say! The first caption contest is completed? There's a new picture to caption? Wowee! Go look! GO GO GO!!! There seem to be captions here. And, dearie me! Since they were last ACTUALLY WORKING, there are three new pages. (The same captions I mentioned an update or so ago.)  hold fast, chaps and chapesses, I'm not dead, er, done yet! There be a new background or two hidden away safely. Oh, I do believe that there may be some new doo-hickies in the garage, but I'm not ABSOLUTELY sure... So, anyway, have at thee, vile knave!


Doom. Captions no working still. I thought I fixed it, but nooooooooooo...argh. I'll keep trying.


Okay folks! The captions have returned, and what's this? One, two, no, THREE new pages? That's now totalled at TWO HUNDRED movie captions alone! Possibly two-fifty or more with the other captions included! Oh, dear! What excitement! With this, I don't know how severe the first May update will be, but I'll try and find SOMETHING special for it. I will tell  you this! You only have a week or so more until I chose my favorite caption from the contest! Send some in! Send, send, send! (Or maybe I'll use a poll or something...) Anywho, that's pretty much it! Toodles!


Doom. I've been getting some captions sent in for the contest. I've also recieved a good number of new 'obsessed' things, pushing the list over the fifty mark. THANKS SPIDER! Oh and besides that, there's another surprise in the Obsessions section. Hey folks, if you hadn't already seen, the captions are down for a day or two. I'll be re-updating soon with the captions fixed. New captions as well. Until then, DON'T PEE YOUR FRIGGIN PANTS! Doom. Other than that, not much here.Thanks and all!


I couldn't help it. I love the internet bumperstickers. They're kinda, yeah, really cool...and funny! Oh, and I added a link ot Kings of Chaos for my friends and I. Click them, it is your destiny. Anywhosis, there's a new Oi Vay for those of you who care. Oh, and there's a new box in the garage, along with some new reasons to love Bill.  Oh, yeah...the council's secret is out. We know that many others were, er, invited to go on the mission, but no others did. E-mail me with the excuses you heard them use to weasle out of it! Oh, for those who enjoyed my mocking of the death scene, I have a new one. Pokemon lovers who enjoy LotR and vice versa, have at thee. Those who despise Pokemon and are obsessed with LotR, please, Please, PLEASE dont' kill me.


Hullo all! Just thought I would add a couple of links to the, well, links. Oh, and SORRY GIMLINA! I fixed your name, I'm really sorry about that. Oh, and yippee!!! I got a theory and a caption sent in! YAY! Woot! New caption pages as well. I moved five of the pages to a different site or something, so I hope that will help my slight bandwith problem. Gah this is confusing.


SECOND 4-1-03
Oh, yay, the captions bit is being estupido, so I did some tap-dancing to try and fix it. Dernitall, where's bandwith when you need it?! I moved the 'Series Captions' to 'What Happened' and 'Sent in Captions' to 'Caption This!'...hope that is enough to keep it from being stupid for a while...


Yes, that's right, folks, an update! Woo-hoo! So exciting. Really, I'm sure... Anyway, Let's just get this over with. The only pages that haven't been updated are...well, no, nevermind, they have all been update. That's right!
MORE items added to the obsession list! (...boy I'm pitiful...)
Bunches of NEW backgrounds! (Yippee! I feel productive!)
Several NEW caption pages! (I think I have that whole 'not working' thing fixed now.)
A NEW page entitled: Caption This!! (Oh joy!)
Two NEW pages in the Garage! (Say hi to Bill when you pass through!)
NEW links!!! (
A brand NEW Oi Vay! (...oi...)
...oops...nothing NEW with the creepy page...(Unless it's more decide...)
An ADDITION to the 'What happened?' section! ( chicken yet, though...)
...and the last update was OFFICIALLY LISTED in the updates section...(Woohoo!)
And there you have it folks! Keep sending stuff, I love to get it. Remeber sign the guestbook! If you leave your e-mail address, I will (hopefully) reply to your message! Oh, and, NO, this was not an -Oopsie- I updated on the thirty-first for the first to get a jump on things.


So I lied. Actually, I really was planning on NOT updating until next month, but I ran into some technical glitches which I needed to fix. Other than stupid minor crap, I added some cool links. You MUST go! Mahahaha. There is a new Oi Vay too. Okay, and do I really even need to say that there are more captions? I didn't think so. That is your update. Go and enjoy.


More Captions, of course. In fact, I cleaned up my files and eveything, so, yeah, a LOT of new captions. The thing is, after cleaning everything up, I probably won't have enough to make it worthwhile to update until next month, so until then... Oh wait! Also, something new in the garage (But you have to work for this one, you have to find it!) Maha, I enjoy making stupid things to put on websites.  Dear me, dear me. I need some more stuff to add to the lists, and theories, so send me your stuff!!!


Okay, I decided to change something about 'Oi Vay'... It'll be updated or changed every once in a while. I just changed it, so go check it out. There are some buttons that you can get to say you're obsessed with a specific character, and where are they? In the 'Are you obsessed' section of course! Lesse, shuffled the pages around, but don't worry! They are still alphabetized. Doom! I broke 100 captions! Well, technically I did a while ago, but in different sections. Now, I have over 100 captions in just, well, regular captions. My word, I am pitiful... Such is life, so you may continue enjoying my, er,  pitiful...ness.


Buncha new backgrounds. Oh dear, new captions...did I say new captions? Links too! I added some new pages of piddly crap that makes no sense but is loads of fun. Go look! Oh, I alphabetized more too...I like doing that. Big thanks to LaWise Woman and Nine Companions who said they'd link to me. So, go enjoy their sites. They are uber cool!!! There's a guestbook to sign too...please do so.


Added/mussed with the captions. Put on Backgrounds. Alphabetized a bunch of stuff for no particular reason. Added buttons to link to me...
Go. Frolic. Enjoy.


I have given way to my desire for a purely LotR site. This is it. Look. Like. Love.