Beware the Chipmunk  
The Chicken!   |   LMF I   |   In Saruman's Tower:   |   GWDS   |   DnD Rules at the Gate of Moria   |   Faramir of Lauxly   |   Legolas's Bow   |   Legolas in the Fellowship   |   Shaving?   |   Hello   |   Fooshiepants
DnD Rules at the Gate of Moria
<At the Gate of Moria.>

Party: Aragorn, Boromir, Pippin, Merry, Frodo, Sam, BILL, Gimli, Legolas

Party: We'll be here…you know…preparing for evil.

Gandalf: Sounds good. I'll see if I can remember the password.

<roll higher intelligence check, under 17>

Gandalf: D20 reads, 19, what the heck?! You guys keep preparing, I'll try again.

<roll higher intelligence check, under 17>

Gandalf: D20 reads, 20?! No blasted way! Trying again.

<roll higher intelligence check, under 17>

Gandalf: D20 reads, 18…freaking crap. I almost had it. Almost.

Frodo: Almost isn't good enough. Lemme try.

Gandalf: Sure. And you have to what, roll under a five.

Frodo:  I'm still trying.

<roll intelligence check, under 5>

Frodo: D20 reads…2! Sweetness. Dude, Gandalf, read it again.

Gandalf: …speak friend and enter.

Frodo: Well, duh. It's a riddle. Speak “friend” and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?

<Language check, elvish proficiency.>

Gandalf: Mellon.

<Door opens. Enter.>
